Window.location.hash exception in vue spa project

Why doesn"t window.location.hash = this.$route.hash work

mounted() {
  this.$route.hash && (window.location.hash = this.$route.hash)
  // setTimeout(() => {
  //   console.log(this.$route.hash)
  //   this.$route.hash && (window.location.hash = this.$route.hash)
  // }, 2000)
watch: {
  "$route.hash"() {
    setTimeout(() => {
      this.$route.hash && (window.location.hash = this.$route.hash)
    }, 5000)
    // this.$route.hash && (window.location.hash = this.$route.hash)

the following two situations will work

watch: {
  "$route.hash"() {
    setTimeout(() => {
      this.$route.hash && (window.location.hash = this.$route.hash)
    }, 5000)
    // this.$route.hash && (window.location.hash = "-sharptest")

2. Write in the event

    <a @click="pushState(url)"></a>

methods: {
  pushState(url) {
    window.location.hash = `-sharp${url.split("-sharp")[1]}`

will you watch the hash, and then change the hash, will not enter the endless loop?

Asynchronous has this?

you print out this.$route.hash first, it should have no value

I realized the jump of the anchor point in another way

goAnchor(selector) {
  const anchor = this.$el.querySelector(selector)
  document.documentElement.scrollTop = anchor.offsetTop

refer to vue2.0 how to do anchor positioning
