Where is the official scaffolding create-react-app configuration file for React?


are there any articles that analyze the structure of these directories and the functions of files


if you want to configure it yourself, you can run this command to expose all configuration files

npm run eject

or you can install the npm package
react-app-rewired and create a new configuration file to override part of the default React configuration.

about configuration:

  • add configuration through package.json or referencing third-party libraries
  • View node_modules/react-scripts/config/webpack* about webpack configuration through webpack, when react is built
  • other readable node_modules/react-scripts/scripts source code

about directory structure:

official readme directory structure , of which two must exist:

  • public/index.html page template;
  • src/index.js JavaScript entry point.

about other files:

  • README.MD literally means that the project README file is not required, but it is recommended to write it, whether it is daily company development or open source
  • .
  • package.json node project prerequisite file, which defines the various modules that the current project depends on, and configuration information (such as name, version, license, etc.)
  • package-lock.json based on the dependency tree description that is automatically generated when node_modules or package.json changes. Used to determine the current project dependencies and information, and generate the same dependencies based on this description when reinstalling.
  • .gitignore specifies files to be ignored without submitting to git; help view method git help ignore
  • src node files that need to be compiled / transcoded are placed in this directory, jsx,es6 js, etc.
  • public this needless to say, some static templates that do not need transcoding
  • node_modules node project dependency library. Dependencies installed using npm install xxx commands are automatically downloaded to this directory without having to submit to git
  • .
see links for other details

npm run-script eject

there is a default configuration, which you cannot change. If you want to customize it, run the above command, which is irreversible
