Vue builds projects without scaffolding

vue uses vue.js directly to create items. Routing vuex cannot be used


Yes, you can start using js and css files by introducing js and css files on the page through CDN.
case 1:vuex

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
<div id="app"></div>
    <script type="text/Template" id="tpl">
            <input type="button" value="+" @click="jia" />
            <input type="button" value="-" @click="jian" />
        const VuexStore = new Vuex.Store({
            state: {
                count: 0,
                num1: 1,
                num2: 2
            mutations: {
                add(state, arg) {
                    state.count += arg.amount;
                reduce(state) {
                    state.count --;
            getters: {
                he(state,getters) {
                    return state.count + state.num1 + state.num2
                add5(state) {
                    return state.count + 0
            actions: {
                add_act({commit}) {
                    commit({type:'add', amount:5})
                reduce_act({commit}) {
            modules: {

        const app = new Vue({
            el: '-sharpapp',
            store: VuexStore,
            template: '-sharptpl',
            components: {
                tip: {
                    computed: {
                        // ...Vuex.mapGetters(['he'])$store.getters.he
                    template: '<div>{{count}}-{{num1}}-{{num2}}={{he}}</div>'
            methods: {
                // ...Vuex.mapMutations(['add'])$store.commit('add')
//                ...Vuex.mapMutations(['add','reduce']),
                ...Vuex.mapActions(['add_act', 'reduce_act']),
                jia() {
//                    this.$store.commit({type:'add',amount:100})
//                    this.$store.dispatch('add_act');
//                    this.add({amount:100});
                jian() {
//                    this.$store.commit('reduce');
//                    this.$store.dispatch('reduce_act');
//                    this.reduce();

as for the router case:

of course you can use it, you can introduce it yourself.
scaffolding is just a pre-configured framework.
if you like, you can manually create a scaffolding with exactly the same code structure.

can be used. Vue is a progressive front-end framework, which means that you can introduce a series of external resources you need in the process of using it. This means that you can build your own framework. If you don't use vue-cli, you can build your own development framework. When you need vuex and vue-router, install npm and import in the project.
if you don't want to use the framework, just use vue.js to build the project, you can see the reply on the first floor and introduce it in the way of CND.

have you ever written a project that is written without vue-cli and use

like JQ?