Xiaobai asked a question about GIT update.

on the Internet, I GIT one of other people"s projects and develop my own
. As a result, I modified a file locally in the project, and someone else updated
this time, which caused me to report an error in git pull this time.
use git stash to save to the staging area
git pull update to the local
git stash pop stash@ {0}
and then open the file, merge the code manually.

Let"s look at the picture. I don"t know what happened.


you should first fork other people's projects to your warehouse, and then you should git clone your own warehouse address

No way, it is troublesome for multiple people to update a file at the same time.

automatic merge is successful in many cases. In this case, you just need to submit it locally, and then pull, and then follow the prompts of Git.

if automatic merge is not successful, it will be troublesome, and you must manually merge after pull.

read the tutorial last night
A lot of people mentioned, fork to your warehouse first. Then clone down, set up the development branch, and then manipulate the file locally. Does
need to be complicated?
