React connect

let MenuX = connect<AppState, MenuProps, MenuProps>(mapStateToProps)(Menu as any);

mapStateToProps the following error

TS2345: Argument of type"(state: AppState) = > {title: string; fullModel: boolean; phone: boolean; backButton: boolean;}"is not assignable to parameter of type "MapStateToPropsParam < AppState, MenuProps >". Type"(state: AppState) = > {title: string; fullModel: boolean; phone: boolean; backButton: boolean;}"is not assignable to type "MapStateToPropsFactory < AppState, MenuProps >". Type"{title: string; fullModel: boolean; phone: boolean; backButton: boolean;}"is not assignable to type "MapStateToProps < AppState, MenuProps >". Type"{title: string; fullModel: boolean; phone: boolean; backButton: boolean;} "provides no match for the signature" (state: any, ownProps?: MenuProps): AppState".
