How does react-router 4 define nested routes?

I would like to ask how to define the nested route of react-router 4. My definition is wrong. The switch, contained in the div will not be located, resulting in a blank page:

return (
    <Router history={history}>
        <Route exact path="/login"  component={Login} />
        <Route exact path="/signUp" component={SignUp} />
        <Route exact path="/forget" component={Forget} />
        <Route exact path="/weixinLogin" component={WeixinLogin} />
          <Route exact path="/contacts/:organizationId/:uid/:ownerId"  component={Contact} />
          <Route exact path="/helpDetail/:id" component={HelpDetail} />
            <Route exact path="/projects" component={Organization} />
            <Route exact path="/organizations/:organizationId/projects" component={Organization} />
            //  switch
              {/*<Route exact path="/projects" component={Projects} />*/}
            <Route path="/secretary"  component={Secretary} />
            // switchswitch switch
              <Route exact path="/secretary" component={SecretaryChat} />
              <Route exact path="/secretary/chat" component={Secretary} />
              <Route exact path="/secretary/log" component={SecretaryLog} />
              <Route exact path="/secretary/chatRecord" component={ChatRecord} />

how do you write the nesting route of the router4.0 version of the gods?

The characteristic of

4.0 is that the route, is rendered wherever it is defined. Then there is the fact that switch cannot be used nested, because switch is only one of them (the name is not randomly defined).
