The event of the page content after the vue route jumps to is invalid, but just refresh it. Why?

            let json = {

this is the page where I logged in. After a successful login, the jump will successfully jump to the catchOrder page, but the click/hover and other events on the page do not work. Just refresh the page. This is why you solve the problem online


you can check whether your routing rendering component < route-view > is under the < keep-alive > component, and try again if you use keep-alive, to delete it.

if it's the above problem, it proves that there is something wrong with your code, and you need to check it again


have you solved it upstairs? I also encountered a similar problem, the past page events through the router-link do not take effect, just refresh it and do not use the route cache.

I also encounter the same problem. Every time I enter this page, all the events of the jump route on this page are invalid, but the title of the jump to the new page has changed, but the page has not skipped over. After refreshing, it is completely normal

encountered the same problem. How to solve the problem? excuse me
