The drop-down boxes are nested in the elementui table. I don't know how to pass the selected values of each drop-down box to the background.

pass data to the background
problem: but the event of this drop-down box must have two value events to work
I now pass the data, and the userPlatformZid to the background is the same


try binding model

<el-table-column align='center' prop="phone" width="80" label="">
<template slot-scope="scope">
<el-select size="medium" v-model="" >
  <el-option v-for="item in list" :key="item.key" :label="" :value="item.key">

el-select has a change event. After different values in the drop-down box are selected, the selected value is returned. If you don't know if it's what you want, you can check the document
