The props dynamic binding parameter in fields, the form component of cube ui, is invalid.

the form component in cude ui, state is the parameter I declared in data. I want to dynamically bind to the props, in fileds, but it has no effect at all. Is there something wrong with my writing or what"s going on? do you have any friends who know about this problem? thank you.


asked the boss, write it as computed, and give others a reference.

Please see my solution:

(1) props, address is an address (an object value from the list page:)

props: {

address: {

type: Object



(2) data () section, use a counter comKey

data () {

return  {

    comKey: 0


(3) computed: part

computed: {

model () {

alert ('< = changed= >');

return this.address;


(3) A key= "comKey" needs to be referenced on the form to force the view section to be updated

 p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Menlo} 

< cube-form: model= "model" @ validate= "validateHandler": key= "comKey" >

(4) in the methods () section, accumulate the calculator above the action that causes the value of the address attribute. After the user selects the region, the modified attribute will be changed

methods: {

onSelected (data) {;

alert ('= = > this.address.area:'+this.address.area);

this.address.province = data.province.value; =;

this.address.district = data.area.value;



example diagram:

 2020-02-13 10.13.56.png


 2020-02-13 10.17.01.png
