An anaconda_api.is_vscode_available:871 error occurred using the anaconda-navigator command

I follow official tutorial (Anaconda Installing on Linux) run the anaconda-navigator command after installing anaconda3, but the following error occurs ( my operating system is deepin ):

ERROR anaconda_api.is_vscode_available:871

generate the log under the anaconda3 file (as follows) and locate the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/helloyong/anaconda3/pkgs/", line 129, in isSupported
    _distro_min_ver = DISTRO_MAP[DISTRO_NAME]
KeyError: ""

find the 129lines in the file / home/helloyong/anaconda3/pkgs/ according to the error (the position marked in the code comments below)

This is not the only code in the file, but I posted something about the isSupported () function in order to describe it. Do not know whether to
    "rhel": "7",
    "sles": "12",
    "centos": "7",
    "debian": "8",
    "fedora": "23",
    "suse": "42.1",
    "ubuntu": "14.04"


PLAT = platform.system()

def isSupported():
        if PLAT == "Windows":
            -sharp Not checking XP, let their installer cry
            return True
        elif PLAT == "Darwin":
            return LooseVersion(platform.mac_ver()[0]) >= LooseVersion("10.9")
        elif PLAT == "Linux":
            _distro_min_ver = DISTRO_MAP[DISTRO_NAME]  -sharp129,
            return ((len(DISTRO_NAME) > 0) and (len(DISTRO_VER) > 0) and
                    (LooseVersion(DISTRO_VER) >= LooseVersion(_distro_min_ver)))  -sharp NOQA
    except Exception as e:
        return False
    return False
if __name__ == "__main__":
    p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="vscode installation helper")
            help="check if vscode is supported")

    args = p.parse_args()

    if args.is_supported:
        if not isSupported():

based on the code above, I speculate (wild guess, welcome to hit the face) :
the function of isSupported () is based on what is supported by the operating system. Return true or false.
according to the condition. I guess to check whether it is supported or whether there is vscode
I do not have a prompt to install vscode when installing anaconda, and the tutorial section on vscod only has the following paragraph:

The installer describes Microsoft VS Code and asks if you would like to install VS Code. Enter yes or no. If you selected yes, follow the instructions on screen to complete the VS Code installation.

NOTE: Installing VS Code with the Anaconda installer requires an internet connection. Offline users may be able to find an offline VS Code installer from Microsoft.

so here"s the problem. My operating system is deepin (based on debian 8). I suspect it"s because I didn"t transfer vscode.
but I still report the same error after I install vscod in the deep store and execute the anaconda-navigator command.

do you have any seniors who understand?

is it necessary to associate path with anaconda3 to install vscode, or is it installed incorrectly?

Last word, execute anaconda-navigator although an error is reported, but it can still be started, so I won"t go any further (I can also learn)
