Echats scatter map overlay, can you achieve the map to obtain the focus to show the corresponding area scatter map?

I now use the method of overlaying the map and the scatter map to put the scatter map on the corresponding map, but the function I want to achieve is: when the mouse moves into the map area of a certain province, when the area gets the focus, the area displays the corresponding scatter chart mark. how should it be realized if the scatter map disappears when it is moved out of the area? At present,

is adopted.

geo: {

    map: "china",
    label: {
        emphasis: {
            show: false
    roam: false,
    itemStyle: {
        normal: {
            areaColor: "-sharp0b172c",
            borderColor: "-sharpf2f2f2"
        emphasis:{areaColor: "-sharp47b3d6"}
series : 
        type: "effectScatter",
        coordinateSystem: "geo",
        data: convertData(data),
        showEffectOn: "emphasis",
        rippleEffect: {
            brushType: "stroke"
        label: {
            normal: {
                show: false
            emphasis: {
        itemStyle: {
            normal: {
                color: "-sharpddb926"
        symbolSize: function (val) {
            return val[2] / 10;


