Why can't package.json version change when npm publish

I wrote a small front-end project and wanted to publish it to npm with npm publish.
the first release was successful, and the second release prompted: You cannot publish over the previously published versions: 1.0.0.
then changes the value of version. But it doesn"t work. Version 1.0.0 is still displayed every time it is released.
npm notice version: 1.0.0
npm notice package size: 1.2kB
npm notice unpacked size: 2.8kB
npm notice shasum: 64b472babe44c1293093514f35205ee975ddf679
npm notice integrity: sha512-JK3hBrU/EY4rl [.] there is no package-lock file in the BiQDTb54TkoVw==
npm notice total files: 3
project, and it is useless to delete package.json and init. I really don"t know what to do. I would like to ask the gods.


the version number is misspelled, and the new version number is even lower than the one online.

upgrade the version number every time you release, otherwise, how else will the people who use this library know which version they are using? How to manage dependency?

package-lock is the installation version of all dependencies of this project, which is used to unify with the server and facilitate debug.

did not find the cause, but found a solution. You can use npm version patch. I don't know why manual modification is useless
