IAccessible interface pointer of QQ chat window

how to get the IAccessible interface pointer of a QQ chat window from one level to the next?

IAccessible !

I wonder why I don"t have the child window I want to do. I really appreciate it.


Hello. I report an error directly using IAccessible. I cannot parse the AccessibleObjectFromWindow function

Tencent does not fully implement this interface. Let's not think about controlling Q through this thing

has solved the original problem that it was not initialized

can you ask me some questions, similar needs? HRESULT hr;

HWND hq=FindWindow(NULL,"Go");  
IUnknown *unknown = NULL;
IAccessible *paccMainWindow = NULL;
hr = AccessibleObjectFromWindow(hq,WM_GETOBJECT,IID_IAccessible ,(void**) &unknown);
if (S_OK == hr)