The custom slot in the element-ui table component has been called multiple times, error

data is requested from the backend to calculate the time. The data is stored with a timestamp. Get the timestamp, and the front end will convert the time how many days ago or a few hours ago. There were only 4 pieces of data in total. As a result, a pile was printed out in the console. I looked at the element-ui document and couldn"t find the reason

        style="width: 100%"
              <template slot-scope="date">
                        <span v-html="formatDate(date.row)"></span>

    tableData: []
            console.log(new Date(;


This problem is not found in

. The problem may lie somewhere else (you need to provide the code that caused the problem), or another version (this may be asked on issues)

I speculate that both slots may be called methods in a loop, resulting in four data. Because two slots called these four data for eight times, in the end, I could only save the country by abandoning one of the slots, and then after getting the data from the backend, I processed the time first, and then rendered it, instead of calling it when rendering. I have solved

I have also encountered this problem. In elelment table, I have called

more than 140 times using 10 data pieces of Filter method. I have also encountered this problem. I have found that adding fixed or min-width to the page will trigger, and when the mouse moves, it will also trigger the function from id to name
