If JS wants to click to switch pictures, Chrome will report an error.

I want to achieve the effect of clicking and switching pictures, but I will report an error. I hope my friends can take a look at it. Thank you.

 * @description 
 * @param {*} clickedImgElement 
function setImg(clickedImgElement) {
    console.log("clicked image source:" + clickedImgElement.src);
    if (clickedImgElement.className === "nav-img") {
        console.log("nav-img class is cliked");
        clickedImgElement.src = SWITCH_URL;

originally intended to switch images by changing the img.src property, but Chrome will report the following error. How should I modify it? Asynchronous setting?



from your screenshot, the new image comes from the local path of windows (such as file:/d:\b.png).
for security reasons, browsers will disable access to pages that are not from file:// sources, otherwise, any web page you visit can access your local disk files at will.

that is, when you open a web page with file://xxx.html, you can visit similar file://. or http://. (including the same below as https,).
if you use http://. opens a web page, you cannot access the resources of file://..

< hr >

the following is a test example

        <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js"></script>
            $(function() {
                $("img").click(function(e) {
                    this.src = "d:\b.png";

                    // this.src = "https://img.codeshelper.com/upload/img/2021/03/20/42salgfnga310961.png";
        <img src="a.png" />

picture path question

use http:// instead of file://

agree to answer upstairs, js permission question, http access cannot call file protocol to access

Brother, if you want to switch pictures, you can put the picture in a container, and then switch

through the box none/block.