Vue-router sets the problem of global login blocking.

< H2 > how does vue-router invoke a component in the navigation guard? < / H2 >

login blocking on the official website is to jump to a fixed page, such as

router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
  if (to.matched.some(res => res.meta.requireAuth)) { // 
    if (judgingLogon()) { // 
    } else { // 
        path: "/login",
        query: { back: to.query }
  } else {

this allows you to jump to the corresponding login page when you need to log in, but now the login box pops up when you click on a navigation that needs to be logged in, and the login box component has been written. The question is: how to control the data of this login component in beforeEach? That is, a login box pops up on all the pages that need to be logged in, and the login box can be triggered when the user clicks the [login] button.

then you can control it with vuex. The login component is introduced into app.vue, and if there is layout, it is introduced into layout
