The problem of php session is urgent online.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">


if you make a mistake, what should I do

Warning: session_start () [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter-headers already sent (output started at D:php2222admin.php:2) in D:php2222admin.php on line 3


first session_start cannot have any output.

Plan 1:

if you don't want to change the code, a quick solution is to change php.ini, to change the output_buffering = Off off to a specific value.

scenario 2:

check the project file. In addition to the no bom mentioned above, you also need to see whether there is a newline space after the end tag of the php file included before session_start . There can be no characters after the end tag, otherwise it will be output as html. A good way to deal with it is that the file does not have a closing tag.

session_start on the first line

1. Never use notepad to save utf-8 format;

2. Save in ultredit as "utf-8 without bom" format.
