Require_once could not load the contents of the file

because php,nginx reinstalls the configuration. The program that require_once used to load files was normal. It really can"t be loaded now. If you doubt whether it is caused by the configuration, please give me your advice


what error message you should at least say to ask a question should be more specific to consider the readability and understandability of the question!

I encountered a similar problem last time

echo "

see if the file has been entered by include?

I found the problem last time, that is, the case problem. Linux is strictly case-sensitive, while win and mac ignore case, so that the files that should have been loaded are not loaded.

1, file name, path case
2, whether the user in the running environment has the permission to access the file
3, whether the file path is correct

file name, whether the case is the same, it is best to copy
