Cas 5.2.4 using REST API to return a 401 Unauthorized error, solve

Dependencies have been added according to the instructions on REST Protocol on the official website.

public class CustomAuthentionHandler extends AbstractPreAndPostProcessingAuthenticationHandler {
    private UserServiceImpl userService;
    public CustomAuthentionHandler(String name, ServicesManager servicesManager, PrincipalFactory principalFactory, Integer order){
    protected HandlerResult doAuthentication(Credential credential) throws GeneralSecurityException, PreventedException {
        UsernamePasswordCredential usernamePasswordCredential = (UsernamePasswordCredential) credential;
        String username = usernamePasswordCredential.getUsername();
        String password = usernamePasswordCredential.getPassword();
        UserVo userVo = userService.getUserWithMultiAttrs(username, password);
        System.out.println("userVo: "+userVo.toString());
            throw new AccountNotFoundException("");
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();  
        map.put("external\_userinfo", JSON.toJSONString(userVo));
        return createHandlerResult(usernamePasswordCredential, principalFactory.createPrincipal(username, map), null);

    public boolean supports(Credential credential) {
        return credential instanceof UsernamePasswordCredential;

has been resolved, because the REST API, included with: CAS Server only supports the default UsernamePasswordCredential , and my project extends the custom UsernamePasswordCredential , so you need to make a judgment in the custom verification Handler. If the Credential type of the request is org.apereo.cas.authentication.UsernamePasswordCredential , it comes from the REST request, and you can directly return the corresponding UsernamePasswordCredential object.
