Zorro reported an error in Can't bind to 'nzPlaceholder'.

1. This is my code < nz-rangepicker [(ngModel)] = "_ dateRange"

                    [nzPlaceholder]="["Select start date", "Select end date"]"></nz-rangepicker>

2.Can"t bind to "nzPlaceholder" since it isn"t a known property of" nz-rangepicker".

  1. If "nz-rangepicker" is an Angular component and it has" nzPlaceholder" input, then verify that it is part of this module.
  2. If "nz-rangepicker" is a Web Component then add" CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA" to the"@ NgModule.schemas" of this component to suppress this message.
  3. To allow any property add "NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA" to the" @ NgModule.schemas" of this component. ("m class=" bg-white pmur15 ">
    < nz-rangepicker [(ngModel)] =" _ dateRange "

                [ERROR ->][nzPlaceholder]="["Select start date", "Select end date"]"></nz-rangepicker>

    < div class= "sea"): ng:/AfterSaleModule/RefundComponent.html@15:24

"nz-rangepicker" is not a known element:


I would like to ask the landlord how to solve this problem in the end
