All the Chinese characters on a static html page on the website are garbled, but it will be normal after changing the link address of this page. What is the reason?

static html page coding is normal, but all the Chinese characters on the page become? No.
Page address:

after you change the page address, the same page will display normally.
normal display address:

1. There is no problem with coding. Nginx configuration is utf-8, page source code utf-8, HTMLheader UTF-8.
2. If it is a coding problem, garbled code is not a question mark in English, is it?
3. For the same source file, the original address accesses garbled, but the new address accesses normally.

is it because the page link was attacked by markup?
can this problem be solved only by changing page links?


there is a problem with the text encoding of the question mark.

Encoding using utf-8 format

if the source file is encoded with a bom header, there will be no problem with windows's iis server; there will be a problem with ubuntu's nginx server.

excuse me, everyone.
