How to break using local element-Ui in require.js?

because of some special requirements of our company, I am ready to develop with require.js+Vue+element UI now, but I want to put ELement-Ui for local use. I think the official website provides CDN links. How to download element-Ui files? I downloaded a copy of the source code of Element-Ui, but it doesn"t work well. My salted fish has come to an end, which god can give me some advice?

this is my basic require configuration code

    baseUrl: "../js/logic/lib",//
    /* paths: {
        app: "../app"
    } */
    paths: {
        "jquery": "jquery",
        "vue": "vue",
        "ELEMENT": "element-ui/src/index",
        "echarts": "echarts.min",
        "util": "util",
        "common": "common",
    map : {
        "*" : {
            "css" : "css"
        layer : {
            deps : [ "jquery" ],
            exports : "layer"

require([ "jquery","vue", "ELEMENT","layer"], function($,Vue,element, layer) {
     *  AJAXlayer
    // layer 
        path : "../js/logic/lib/layer/"

An import error is reported after referencing in this way.

ask which god to save my salted fish!


found the problem. The external global variable exposed by element-ui is the global variable Vue.use (ELEMENT) that ELEMENT, gets. It took me more than half a year to come back to make up for it. Shame

  • -what does it mean to use locally? It's the same as jquery.

. You don't have any other files, your Index is just a collection of references to JS, and the other dependencies don't have
