Iview paging component failed to dynamically set the current value of the current page

 <Page class="page" ref="pages" :total="this.num" size="small" show-elevator :current="this.currentPage" @on-change="initSize"

the problem is: if I click on page 3 and go to another page, when I go back to this page, the page number is still 3, it won"t change because I set up currentPage=1


: current changed to: current.sync

<Page v-if='isReRender' ...

Control isReRender render again

The parameter in

iView that controls the currently selected page number is currentPage. You cannot assign a value to current by setting a variable named currentPage yourself.
you can use
this.$refs.pager.currentPage = 1;
to locate the current page number to page 1

positive solution ~

: remove this from current= "this.currentPage"
