Batch introduction of vue instructions

like components , create a directives folder in the project directory to store instruction files;
an instruction is a file, and the introduction of main.js files can achieve global introduction;
although many cases are introduced on demand, but want to know how to batch global introduction?


batch global import instructions, which can be registered through forEach traversing Vue.directive

import * as directives from './directives'
Object.keys(directives).forEach(k => Vue.directive(k, directives[k]))

this article can help you understand global instruction wrapper

import Vue from 'vue'

const requireDirective = require.context(
  // js

requireDirective.keys().forEach(fileName => {
  const directiveConfig = requireDirective(fileName)

  const directiveName = fileName
        //  './'
        .replace(/^\.\//, '')
        .replace(/\.\w+$/, '');
  // , 
  Vue.directive(directiveName, directiveConfig.default || directiveConfig)