Make a bar display of working hours

question 1: there are dots if you realize the intersection of working hours and vertical axis
question 2: some working hours will be divided into two periods if they cross dates (for example, 18:00 to 3 a.m. on the 12th is equivalent to 18:00-0:00 on the 12th, 0:00 to 03:00 on the 13th)

the data returned is in the following format:

        {date:"2018-07-10", startDate:"00:00", endDate:"1:00", kt:0},
        {date:"2018-07-10", startDate:"10:30", endDate:"12:00", kt:0},
        {date:"2018-07-10", startDate:"12:30", endDate:"18:00", kt:0},
        {date:"2018-07-11", startDate:"6:00", endDate:"6:50", kt:0},
        {date:"2018-07-11", startDate:"09:30", endDate:"11:00", kt:0},
        {date:"2018-07-12", startDate:"6:00", endDate:"12:50", kt:0},
        {date:"2018-07-13", startDate:"09:30", endDate:"11:00", kt:0}
  <div id="app">
    <div id="box">
      <div class="date" v-for="(item, index) in this.transformTimeArr" :key="index">




<div class="time"> <span class="cross" v-for="(d, i) in item[dateArr[index]]" :key="i" :style="{ left: d.startDate, right: d.endDate }"></span> <!-- --> <span class="column" v-for="(d, x) in 24" :style="{ left: 4*d + "%"}" :key="x"> <!-- <i>{{transformTime(x)}}</i> --> </span> </div> <div class="upDown">aaa</div> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: "App", data(){ return{ newTimeArray: [], // transformTimeArr: [], // scheduletimeObject: {}, dateArr: [], // scheduleTime:[ {date:"2018-07-10", startDate:"00:00", endDate:"1:00", kt:0}, // {date:"2018-07-10", startDate:"10:30", endDate:"12:00", kt:0}, // {date:"2018-07-10", startDate:"12:30", endDate:"18:00", kt:0}, // {date:"2018-07-11", startDate:"6:00", endDate:"6:50", kt:0}, // {date:"2018-07-11", startDate:"09:30", endDate:"11:00", kt:0}, // {date:"2018-07-12", startDate:"6:00", endDate:"12:50", kt:0}, // {date:"2018-07-13", startDate:"09:30", endDate:"11:00", kt:0} ] } }, mounted(){, index) => { // let obj = { "date":, "startDate": ((item.startDate.split(":")[0]*60 + item.startDate.split(":")[1])/1440).toFixed(2) + "%", "endDate": 100 - ((item.endDate.split(":")[0]*60 + item.endDate.split(":")[1])/1440).toFixed(2) + "%", "kt": item.kt } this.newTimeArray.push(obj); }) console.log(this.newTimeArray); this.transform() }, methods:{ transform() { let count = -1;,i) => { if(this.scheduletimeObject[] || this.scheduletimeObject[] == 0){ console.log(!Array.isArray(this.transformTimeArr[this.scheduletimeObject[]][]),"--------"); if(!Array.isArray(this.transformTimeArr[this.scheduletimeObject[]][])){ this.transformTimeArr[this.scheduletimeObject[]][] = [ this.transformTimeArr[this.scheduletimeObject[]][], { startDate:v.startDate, endDate:v.endDate, kt:v.kt } ] }else{ this.transformTimeArr[this.scheduletimeObject[]][] = [ ...this.transformTimeArr[this.scheduletimeObject[]][], { startDate:v.startDate, endDate:v.endDate, kt:v.kt } ] } }else{ countPP; this.dateArr.push(; this.scheduletimeObject[] = count; this.transformTimeArr.push( { []:[{ startDate:v.startDate, endDate:v.endDate, kt:v.kt }] }) } }) console.log(this.dateArr); console.log(this.scheduletimeObject); console.log(this.transformTimeArr); }, transformTime(value){ return value + ":00" } } } </script> <style> html,body{ margin:0; padding: 0 } .box{ width: 100%; height: 80px; } .date{ height: 50px; } .date p{ line-height: 40px; padding: 0; margin: 0; height: 40; float: left; width: 3.3% } .time{ height: 100%; width: 92.7%; background: -sharp1b527d; position:relative; float: left; } .time span{ position: absolute; height: 3px; display: inline-block; margin-top: 20px; } .time .cross { background: white; } .time .column { display: inline-block; width: 1px; height: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0; margin-top: 0; font-size: 12px; background: -sharp777; } .time .column i { display: inline-block; width: 32px; position: absolute; bottom: -15px; font-style: normal; } .upDown{ width: 4%; height: 100%; } </style>