How to click on the current line and select the previous check box in antd table?

as described in the picture, how to implement the table list, click the current line (row), to select the previous check box?

in fact, I would like to know, in antd, such as my above requirements, how to trigger the click event of checkbox when writing a line click event? If you can implement the click event that triggers the previous check box when a row is clicked, then the problem is solved.

the solution I can think of before is that the id, that gets the current data puts it in the selectedRowKeys, but it is very troublesome to judge the current selected status.

Please give me some advice from the great gods. Thank you.


usage of onRow

  onRow={(record) => {
    return {
      onClick: () => {},       // 
      onMouseEnter: () => {},  // 
  onHeaderRow={(column) => {
    return {
      onClick: () => {},        // 


official website provides examples.
