How to set the value of a dictionary to a known dictionary

1. You have already set up a dictionary, and then set another dictionary and want the value of the dictionary to be the first dictionary name. How to implement
2. My code:
zeyu_information= {


people= {


for name,infs in people.items ():

print("\n"+name.title()+""s information:")
for inf in infs:
< H1 > I hope my seniors can answer my question about how to set the value in the dictionary people to the simple dictionary name of the first dictionary < / H1 >



'zeyu': zeyu_information,

people['zeyu']['age'] = 23

dict can be nested, is that what you mean?

at this time, don't use different variable names to distinguish similar objects, you should use arrays or dictionaries (of course, there is a way for you to force variable names)

people = [
        'first_name': 'zeyu',
        'last_name': 'zhou',
        'age': 23,
        'living_city': "huaian"
        'first_name': 'asdfa',
        'last_name': 'zhasdfadfaou',
        'age': 293,
        'living_city': "echo"


people = {
    'zeyu': {
        'first_name': 'zeyu',
        'last_name': 'zhou',
        'age': 23,
        'living_city': "huaian"
    'asdfa': {
        'first_name': 'asdfa',
        'last_name': 'zhasdfadfaou',
        'age': 293,
        'living_city': "echo"
The element of the

array can be a dictionary, and the value of the dictionary can be another dictionary.
