How to do the function anti-shake of antd input box

could you tell me how to do the anti-shake function of the input box in antd?
this is a test code I wrote

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import "antd/dist/antd.css";
import "./index.css";
import { Form, Input } from "antd";
import debounce from "lodash.debounce";

const FormItem = Form.Item;

const CustomizedForm = Form.create({
  onFieldsChange(props, changedFields) {
})(props => {
  const { getFieldDecorator } = props.form;
  return (
    <Form layout="inline">
      <FormItem label="Username">
        {getFieldDecorator("username", {
          rules: [{ required: true, message: "Username is required!" }]
        })(<Input />)}

class Demo extends React.Component {
  state = {
    fields: {
      username: {
        value: "benjycui"

  handleFormChange = changedFields => {
    if (changedFields["username"].validating === false) {
      debounce(() => {
        this.setState(({ fields }) => ({
          fields: { ...fields, ...changedFields }
      }, 2000)();

  render() {
    const fields = this.state.fields;
    return (
        <CustomizedForm {...fields} onChange={this.handleFormChange} />
        <pre className="language-bash">{JSON.stringify(fields, null, 2)}
< button onClick= {} > click < / button > < / div > ); } } ReactDOM.render (< Demo / >, document.getElementById ("container"));)

Test address


import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import 'antd/dist/antd.css';
import './index.css';
import { Form, Input } from 'antd';

const FormItem = Form.Item;

const CustomizedForm = Form.create({
  onFieldsChange(props, changedFields) {
  mapPropsToFields(props) {
    return {
      username: Form.createFormField({
        value: props.username.value,
  onValuesChange(_, values) {
})((props) => {
  const { getFieldDecorator } = props.form;
  return (
    <Form layout="inline">
      <FormItem label="Username">
        {getFieldDecorator('username', {
          rules: [{ required: true, message: 'Username is required!' }],
        })(<Input />)}

class Demo extends React.Component {
  state = {
    fields: {
      username: {
        value: 'benjycui',

  handleFormChange = (changedFields) => {
    this.setState(({ fields }) => ({
      fields: { ...fields, ...changedFields },

  render() {
    const fields = this.state.fields;
    return (
        <CustomizedForm {...fields} onChange={this.handleFormChange} />
        <pre className="language-bash">
          {JSON.stringify(fields, null, 2)}
< / div > ); } } ReactDOM.render (< Demo / >, document.getElementById ('container'));)
