Why is the empty-text property of the element-ui table component useless?

1. Want to show "not yet" in the place where there is no data in the table, and find the empty-text, result in the document. What is the reason why it doesn"t work well?





you misunderstand the role of empty-text . empty-text is what is displayed when the table source data is empty. has this effect.
there are many ways to fulfill your requirements, such as this

  <template slot-scope="{row}">
    {{ row.name || '' }}

thanks for inviting ~
look at the source code and you can see that you have misunderstood it. When data is empty, empty-text is displayed.
ElementUI table source code

    v-if="!data || data.length === 0"
      width: bodyWidth
    <span class="el-table__empty-text">
      <slot name="empty">{{ emptyText || t('el.table.emptyText') }}</slot>

now there is a requirement that when loading data, there will be "no data for the time being", and then there will be a waiting process. Temporary solution:

<template slot="empty">
    <div v-if="loading">
    <div v-else>