The time control of element-ui cannot be initialized under ie.

All the time controls of

element-ui have the following problem, that is, under ie, after the update data is initialized after asynchronism, the value of the drop-down box has been selected, but the display box has no value display, and it is not possible to try this.$set ().

< el-date-picker ref= "datepicker" v el-date-picker model = "formData.openDate" size= "small" type= "date": clearable= "false" placeholder= "Please select a date" >
< / el-date-picker >

< el-time-select size= "small" placeholder= "start time" vmurmodel = "formData.startTime": picker-options= "{start: "07VOO 07VOULY" step:" 00Rose 15 min end: "22RAPH 00"} "@ change=" startTimeChange ">
< / el-time-select >



our project test is disgusting and must be solved. We covered it with style

alas, colleagues also encountered this problem. Finally, she removed the set placeholder from ie
