There is a problem with the calendar component of elementui under ie

elementui Calendar selection under ie v-model will not update in real time when the first data changes;
requirement is to select the start time, and the end time will be automatically updated within one month from the start time; it has been implemented under Google; the v-model value of the end time of print data discovery under
ie has also changed, but the view has not changed under ie

<div class="dateStyle">
                    <p v-show="hasStart">

</div> <i>-</i> <div class="dateStyle"> <el-date-picker v-model="defalutDate.eDate" type="date" placeholder="" :picker-options="pickerOptions2" @change="selectEdate" > </el-date-picker> <p v-show="hasEnd">

</div> //js // selectSDate(val) { this.defalutDate.sDate = val; this.defalutDate.eDate = val; console.log( val) // this.selectEdate(); console.log(this.defalutDate.eDate) },

exclude whether the date format caused an error

remove the set placeholder

how do you solve it now
