Ask how to write slot in the render function of iview.

version: "version": "1.1.4",
problem description: in the table header, if you want to add the Tooltip component, if the Tooltip component does not use the slot slot, it will display normally, but when the content to be displayed is too much, using slot according to the document will cause problems. Is there any way to solve it? thank you very much.
Code part:
1. If you want to display the content, it will not be a problem if you can write it this way.

{ title: "", key: "RechageCount", align: "center", renderHeader: (h, params) =>{ 
    return h("Tooltip", { 
        props: { 
            content: "////", placement: "top" 
    }, "") } 

2, when the content to be displayed is too long, write like this, there is no content in the bug, suspension layer, and the header will display all the contents of these two tags, is it because slot cannot be written in props as attributes? Seek the correct writing

{ title: "", key: "RechageCount", align: "center", renderHeader: (h, params) ={
    return h("Tooltip", { 
        props: { placement: "top" } 
    }, [ 
    h("span", ""), 
    h("div", { 
        props: { slot: "content" }, 
        style: { widthSpace: "normal" } 
    }, "*") ])

props: {},
slot: ''

put it at the same level
