How does vue export all paged data

Front-end Xiaobai, a company internship, needs to export all the data in the paging to the excel table. After finding the answers, you only finish exporting the data on the current page. I would like to ask how to export the data of all pages. I tried to display all the paging information on one page, but it didn"t work well and it took a long time to load, so I"d like to ask how the code needs to be written.


all data to be exported


if it is all loaded at once, it is assumed to be allData. It seems to be an array. You define the paging length, do division, and display the paged length data on the page each time (copy some of the contents in allData). When you export all the data, you can pass the allData to it.
when you can't export all the data, you can directly export all the data. Let the server go to the database to get the data

Xiaobai also encountered this problem. List data is paged pull each export can only export the display page of the data how to export all the data need to export button to do a new interface to pull all the data

have you solved?

I think you can change your way of thinking. When you click the export button, take all the data, store it in an array data, and export, the array option binds to the array data, should be OK, as long as the fields match.

I would like to ask, has this problem been solved?
