Springboot2.0.3+thymeleaf access page could not be found

use the sts tool to create the latest version of springboot2.0.3, check thymeleaf,web support, and create a simple page

set the access path, but the browser cannot find it


how to solve this problem?


create a springboot2.0 with the idea tool to access the page, and then switch to sts to access the page. The specific reason is being found

it can also be accessed normally by creating a springboot2.0+thymeleaf, with a colleague's environment. I don't know why?

create a bunch of springboot2.0, this morning and can't even access the page, and now it's fine again. I don't know why.

is mainly due to the fact that eclipse did not compile the resource files into the class directory when compiling. You can check whether there is exclude in the configration of the project
