How to embed cookie into Wechat's built-in browser

I want to embed the crawled cookie into Wechat"s built-in browser to open it. The simulation is not good. Whether it can be achieved, or which directory Wechat"s cookie file is saved in the local directory. It is also possible to replace it with a file. Is there any divine guidance


I don't know if you mean the browser or Mini Program when you say "Wechat's built-in browser".
do you want to test your phone or someone else's?
if I were a little more specific (preferably with a screenshot), I might be able to give better advice.

here is a reference for an idea.
take the Wechat browser that tests your mobile phone as an example. You can inject cookie into the browser using MITM (man-in-the-middle attack).
suppose you want to inject cookie into the x.y website, and the process is as follows

  1. set up a HTTP proxy server that can modify content and inject cookie into the x.y domain name. Refer to
  2. Let the mobile browser use the set HTTP proxy server to surf the Internet.