The problem of the parent component passing the value of Synchronize through props in vue

go straight to the code:

    // js
    Vue.component("my-child", {
        props: [
      data() {
          return {
            myTest: this.test
      template: "<div>{{ myTest }}</div>"
    new Vue({
      el: "-sharpapp",
      data: {
        test: "test"
      methods: {
          "clickChange" () {
            this.test = "haha"

when the test passed by the parent component changes, but the myTest assigned to the child component does not change, is there any way to get it quickly? Except for the watch method


you can bind test directly in the subcomponent template or use computed return test; and then bind the calculation property to the template

computed: {
    myTest() {
        return this.test