750Design draft, I set fontsize to 10px, so how do I convert px and rem in the design draft?


title is the description.


1rem = 10px (size of font-size), then the size of the element you measured on the design divided by 10 is the number of rem, for example, there is a button width of 100px, then the conversion rem is 100 / 10 = 10rem

when it is set to 10px, the layout effect of the design manuscript will appear in Google browser. Because Google browser sets the font even if the font-size of html is set to 10px, it will still be 12px in the end. So the rem calculated according to 10px is actually based on 12px. As a result, the width and height set will be too large. It is OK to set 10px on Firefox. The minimum font under

chrome is 12px font-size equal to the font-size size of html, and your htmlfont-size is set to 50px. So 750px is 15rem.There is a div of 100px, which is 2rem
