How to achieve the effect of loading with react

as shown in the figure, the effect is similar to this:


The fetch, used by the

request data would like to know whether the effect of this loading is written in the life cycle or in the fetch request?
how to achieve this effect?


give the landlord an idea:
set state
loading: false

when the component is initialized first.

then set loading to true when sending a fetch request
set it to false when success / failure

then, in the render method, dynamically change whether the loading component displays

according to false | true.

this is a good thing to write in the global tools file, because you can use it as long as you call the interface.

const tools = {
 * loading
 * @return {[type]}
showLoading() {
    if (this.loadingCount <= 0) {
            <div className="sy-loadingwrap">
                <Spin size="large"></Spin>
 * loading
 * @return {[type]}
hideLoading() {
    if (this.loadingCount === 0) return;
    if (this.loadingCount === 0) {

call tools.showLoading () before ajax send, and call tools.hideLoading ()

in the complete where the ajax request is completed.

you still have to look at the scene. Personally, I have written in both the request and the component .

if you need to loading, at the request level, put it on the request. If you need to be in a component (you can think of it as a collection of requests), then loading can be written to the component state.

the implementation is very simple. Take the request level as an example, you only need to set different state,view before and after fetch to decide whether to render loading or not according to state.

it is recommended to use antd-Spin
