Es6 calculation Properties

var obj = {
What problem is this new feature of

es6"s calculation properties designed to solve?


I know that you can declare a variable and use

as a property for an object.
var name= 'nickName'
var obj = {

how can an array in this format be converted to an object?


want to convert it to an object with the following structure


answer, using the calculation property, by default, the variable cannot be directly used as the property name of the object.
add a [] symbol to it and it can be parsed to the corresponding value of the variable. In the following solution, kv [0] is a variable, and when you build the object, the outer brackets (that is, the calculated attribute) are correctly parsed to the corresponding value of this variable.

   let kv = o.split(":");
   return {[kv[0]]:kv[1]}

this is more convenient when you need to define this property with a constant

    export const TEST = 'TEST'

    import { TEST } from 'contants.js'
     var obj = {

is very flexible, for example, it can be proxied. Many mvvm frameworks, such as Vue, use the source code

    //[prop] = Object.defineProperty(, prop, {       

otherwise how do you set variables for properties?
