Python packages a Mini Program with pyinstaller, and then executes the program to throw an exception.

python packages a Mini Program with pyinstaller, and then executes the program to throw an exception and flicker. The program mainly consumes kafka data and writes it to oralce database. The imported libraries here are
import jaydebeapi
import configparser
from kafka import KafkaConsumer
import json
import os


the following is the error message:

here, because an ojdbc6.jar, is used to link to the database of oralce, 6 is not good when debugging with pycharm, so there is a problem when a dozen packages are made into exe files.

em * Desktoptest_kafka > .consumer _ kafka.exe
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in < module >
File "",
line 631, in exec_module

exec(bytecode, module.__dict__)

File "", line
22, in < module >
File "",
line 631, in exec_module

exec(bytecode, module.__dict__)

File "", line 2467, in
< module >
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named "py4j.java_collections"
[6028] Failed to execute script consumer_kafka


finding the problem is that python3.6 pyinstaller does not support 3.6well. The question abruptly asks emmm

excuse me, is it all right to be more than 3.60? I am 3.7 and the same mistake
