There are always 402 ip agents in Abu Cloud.


3 times, only once is correct, and the rest is 402


I use squid to forward the Abu Cloud Agent. There is always something like 402. May I ask why?


you are out of money, remind you to recharge

what is the problem that the CVM returns "402 Payment Required"?
HTTP tunnel expires, it's time to renew.

what is the problem that the CVM returns "407 Proxy Authentication Required"? The Proxy-Authorization header is not correctly included in the HTTP request issued by
, which may be caused by an error in the tunnel pass and access key, or the Proxy-Authorization header may not be added successfully at all. You can use the WireShark grab packet to see if the request correctly contains the Proxy-Authorization header.

what is the problem when the CVM returns "429 Too Many Requests"?
there are too many requests in 1 second, which exceeds the sum of the default requests per second of the HTTP tunnel and the requests per second purchased by the tunnel.

what is the problem that the CVM returns "503 Service Unavailable"?
Sorry, the current request failed (timeout). You can try to switch IP and reinitiate the request.
