After the elementui loop el-select, initializes the value, select it again. The value changes in js, but not in the presentation.

< template >

    <el-col :span="24" v-for="(item,index) in questions" :key="index" >

        <el-select v-model="form[item.valueName]" placeholder="" size="small" style="width:150px;" @change="change">
            v-for="items in options"

< / template >
< script >
export default {

data() {
    return {
        questions: [
            valueName: "value1"
            valueName: "value2"
        options: [{
        value: "1",
        label: ""
        }, {
        value: "2",
        label: ""
        }, {
        value: "3",
        label: ""
        }, {
        value: "4",
        label: ""
        }, {
        value: "5",
        label: ""
        form: {}
created () {
    this.form.value1 = "1"
    this.form.value2 = "2"
methods: {
    change() {

< / script >


vue cannot listen for changes to dynamically added properties. You need to use $set to assign values to these properties.


I have some good news for you. Vue2.9 the bug has been officially solved! ("") y
