How to publish your own angular (V6) to npm, including common components, pipes, methods, etc.?

problem description

angular development has accumulated some common basic tool classes, components, pipes, and so on. If you want to publish your own project to npm, you only need to add dependencies, you don"t have to copy these common parts of each project, and you can also provide them to people in need. I hope to have the advice of a great god, the more detailed the better. Thank you.

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

I have searched some blog posts related to introductions and found that they are not clear enough. I have tried to publish them to npm, but they can be downloaded to the project and cannot be referenced.
I think the main problem I need to solve is how to write the part of export, to be released and then add it to the project dependency. Some blog posts have a brief introduction to index.ts or index.js, but only a brief introduction to examples. I think it is not specific enough. I hope to have great advice, the more detailed the better. Thank you.


create a npm account and publish it. For more information, please see the npm website. Or search for npm publication . It is recommended to build a private npm source server.

has the landlord's problem been solved? I also have the same problem as you. After the angular component is released, it can be downloaded and cannot be referenced. Can the landlord share it
