My newly deployed website unexpectedly appears 401 as soon as I open it, without authorization?


  1. windows server 2012
  2. IIS server
  3. Western Digital Server
  4. vue Project
  5. api interface made by koa2+mysql

I packaged the dist files and index.html,node code generated by the vue project directly and threw them into the server.

web.config (:@aieceo) IISnode


koa router

, .........

because I am also the main front-end page, I do not have a lot of understanding of the server. I hope friends who have solved this problem or know the solution will not hesitate to give me advice.


it may be the error message returned by IIS

, it's more like your own project has set up permission authentication: for example, if you don't log in and don't let you see the page, you can locate the problem by searching the entire project according to the error message.

all use koa, why not just use the node server
