How can I infer from the parameter type in ts?

for example:

interface A {
  a: number

interface B {
  a: number
  b: string

const X = (x) => {
  return x

parameter x may be An or B.

if type An is passed in, you want to check that x is returned after the operation, and if you have the attribute b, it is an error.
if type B is passed in, you want to check that x is returned after the operation, and it is an error without attribute b.

you want to return the type of x, and the assertion is equal to the type passed in.


A handwritten overload can be done

ts ts


interface A {
  a: any

interface B {
  a: any
  b: any

function isB(arg: A | B): arg is B {
    return (<B>arg).b !== undefined;

function foo(arg: A | B) {
  if (isB(arg)) {
    // arg is B
    console.log(arg.a, arg.b)
  } else {
    // arg is A

if I understand it wrong, ignore it, the big god spurts
