Why can't element ui's select bind a variable that doesn't exist at initialization?

assume that initialization has a variable with empty toolbarQueryParam, value {}
bind the v-model value toolbarQueryParam.name, of element"s select. This will cause the manual selection value of select to be invalid (later or null value)
to solve this problem, you can only assign a value to toolbarQueryParam.name when initializing, for example, toolbarQueryParam.name= "". However, I think this assignment code is a bit redundant, and the native select is normal according to the above usage
this problem exists in some form controls of element, such as datepick, and only text input is fine


it seems that the official document does not say the initial value of the assignment. I usually use this:

<el-select v-model="postForm.articleclassify" filterable remote placeholder="" :remote-method="remoteArticleClassifyList">
  <el-option v-for="(item,index) in ArticleClassifyList" :key="index" :label="item.name" :value="item.value">

loads, the initial value is the value of the postForm.articleclassify option through subsequent iterations.
