(0, eval) ("1mm 1") A passing Daniel will explain why this line of code can be written in this way. What do you mean?

came across a code like this today:

(0, eval)( "1+1" );    //2

so I copied one:

( 0, function( a ) {
    console.log( a );        //"hello world"
} )( "hello world" );

( function( a ) {
    console.log( a );        //
}, function( b ) {
    console.log( b );        //"hello world"
} )( "hello world" );

instant? Fly by, which god can explain?


you have to understand what a comma means
is the last to be valid

1. One of the uses of parentheses is to execute one or more expressions and return the value of the last expression, which requires a comma between multiple expressions. "separate
example: (1 code >) / / the code is executed at once, and finally 6 is used as the return value
2. Execute the anonymous function (function () {}) ()
, so you can think of this as equal to (eval) ('1cm 1')
again equal to eval (' 1th 1')
