The webpack packaged code (the transition attribute) appears differently in Firefox and ie.

the packaged webpack code works fine in the chorme test. But in ie and Firefox will inexplicably appear and chorme behavior. There is a problem when I set an element to opacity:0;transition:all 1s; then a trigger behavior becomes opacity:1;ie and Firefox: these elements with the transition attribute set will appear first (set not to occur unless the trigger event) as if they had gone through the transition first. But! At first I thought it was a problem with scss compiling css. Then I saw that the code was right, and then I took out all the code, packed it without webpack, and ran straight away. In that case, there will be no problem. I really don"t think there"s something wrong with it. Because the css code is the same. The js code is the same except for the code I used to import the picture with webpack. Paste the code below.

if you need more detailed information, please leave a message, I would appreciate it!


is not the first html and then loaded css. As a result, the style was not added? Do you have a wired address?
