TreeNMS cannot read database data after connecting to redis

problem description

when I use the redis visualization client tool TreeNMS, I first run the startup.bat file according to the official instructions. Then go to the redis management default page virtual 8085 trees and log in to the default admin account. In the parameter configuration options, enter the new redis server ip address, redis account number and password, save the parameters, and refresh to show that the connection is successful. When viewing real-time status monitoring, the page displays "500-system internal error".

the platform version of the problem and what methods you have tried

TreeNMS version 1.7.3 for redis

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?

the background display error is IndexOutofBoundException. Has any god ever encountered a similar situation and how to solve it?


this problem is usually caused by the deployment path, which cannot be spaced or in Chinese. It is recommended that the path be shorter. Check permission related

by the way.