Some questions about vw adapting to Mobile

I always see this sentence in some blog posts

see Bowen 1
Bowen 2

with vw and rem, layout optimization
this page looks like a good fit, but you will find that because it is the use of viewport units to achieve the layout, depends on the size of the viewport and automatically zoom, whether the viewport is too large or too small, it also with the viewport is too large or too small, lost the maximum and minimum width restrictions.

< hr >

how to understand this sentence? Isn"t vw already the width of the full screen? We adapt to the full screen width that we want to use rem. What the heck is too big or too small? Which god can explain how to interpret this sentence


should put it this way: if you write a css, that only depends on vh , vw , and does not set max-height , max-width at all, then the width and height of these page elements will change with the size of the window. When the screen is very large, the element may become very large, when the screen is very small, the element will become very small.

but who would be so stupid as to set only vw but not max-width ? So in fact, this hypothesis doesn't make much sense. Of course, we will set width: 100vw; max-width: 960px , when the screen width is less than 960px , it will fill the entire screen; when the screen width is greater than 960px , the most is 960px , or combined with min-width and so on. If you want to make it more complicated, you can also use @ media query . How to use it depends entirely on your proficiency in css.
